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Ascendance on the move

This is the smile of a local U.S.F. student after replacing his totaled car. This is because of one very unfaithful day when this man was in a side collision with another car on his way home from work. He was not hurt in the accident but is car would never drive again. Ascendance was on the scene before anyone else to provide comfort to this young student, reminding him that this does not have to be the end. Ascendance stayed until the young student was allowed to leave the scene. Ascendance brought him home that night. However, it didn't stop there Ascendance searched day and night, through a large number of vehicles, to find this young student a car he could be proud of. Once successful Ascendance brought him to the car and got him fitted for his first drive home since the accident. Maintaining contact with this young student, Ascendance has assured this young had gotten his life back.

Situations such as this is hard to provide help for the less-fortunate if charities like Ascendance was not willing to help. Help Ascendance help others. Because charity starts at home.

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